Bruce Trail 2023 Niagara Section Day 1

Posted on: April 8th, 2023 by Scott Mills

On April 6th, I headed out for my first day of hiking the Bruce Trail. I travelled to the Southern Terminus located in Queenston Heights near Niagara on the Lake. The previous days had been very, very rainy, which is why I chose to head out the day after the storms abated. What I did not factor in, of course (as a new hiker), was what two days of heavy rain would do to the trail conditions.

Starting out, taking the first few steps after locating the first white blaze

A few things to note for my first day on the trail. I was wearing a backpack for the first time while outdoors. I had it loaded with about 10lbs when factoring in gear and water. Less than I would if I was camping, but enough to get the feel of it. I was trying out trekking poles for my first time. I would need them to pitch my tent on overnight hikes, so I wanted to get used to using them. With the water and mud on the trial, had I not had them, I would not have made it more than a few km. I was also breaking in new hiking shoes. The good news was they were waterproof. The bad news was that breaking in new shoes hurts.

The first white blaze!

The higher spots on the trail were very pleasant. With the spring just starting, the trees did not have full leaves yes, providing great views as you hiked. Others were very, very wet.

Having never hiked the Bruce Trail, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I found it to be a real mix of flat forest, technical switchbacks, and some road walking.

Up and over!
The local clubs maintain each section. These stairs and the bridge were a life saver

I stopped from time to time for water, to take pictures, and to eat snacks. Given that it was early in the season, and a weekday, I did not see a single hiker all day. In fact the only other humans I saw (other than drivers when I was on / crossing roads), were two groups of students on a field trip doing outdoor activities.

Some sections were wetter than others
There was just enough room on the side to still get through the “screaming tunnel”

I had my lunch on a highway pedestrian overpass. Partly because it was midway through my planned hike, but also because it was the only dry spot for me to sit :).

Stairs equal a seat

I had planned two options for how far I wanted to hike. I wasn’t yet sure what my pace would be wearing a pack or factoring in the steep climbs and descent. I chose to stop at marker 19.7 (so 19.7km) because my shoe had been digging into my right ankle. It had progressed from annoying to painful, so I was on full limp / hobble by the time I was done.

Sometimes a blow down is so big, you just go around

It was a great first day! I’m going to have to log a much higher average distance though, so on a go forward basis I’ll be shooting for 30km, and I’ll be looking to camp when I’m allowed, or staying in a motel to help cut down on my driving time. More next time!

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